A downloadable manifesto

Play as mercenaries, citizens and cultist in this "yeah this does feel like our world but the future" "rules-lite-ish cause tactical elements are in the game" tabletop game where everything is quite dramatic, high stakes and/or mopey. Roll for what company bought you in utero and live out your wildest dreams as a janitor, line worker, graphic designer or whatever else you roll/come up with. Who cares about playing nice in a world were your brain is used for some rich guys profit calculator when you die? It doesn't make a difference if you're out there or in city limits, it's all gone to shit anyways. World might as well be cooking you alive the day you're born it's so fuckin hot. Eating anything in your price point is junk. When was the last time you didn't have to pay, in some way or another, for clean water?  We all know that we're getting sicker, right? So that begs the question, why deal with the harshness of life at all when you could get on your hands and knees and pray to a god? One that feeds you like your microwave, one that keeps you entertained like Lovelace,  or one the one that really knows you and has been there since you can remember? Yeah that's right! Your car!

MÖRK/CY_BORG copyright left into the PDF as a nod to it starting off as a BORG project, but because the game itself has also has moved away from those ideals they will be removed next update. A different "nod", so to say, will be added instead.

WIRE AND CANCER takes both direct and indirect inspiration from other works as well.

Every original idea in this book (including individual mechanics, flavor text, etc) is under Creative Commons Zero ("CC0"),  so feel free to take whatever.


WIRE AND CANCER is in development and will be updated as time passes


Trigger warnings for parts of the book

Body horror, racism, homophobia, transphobia, fetishization of minorities, fatphobia, use of queer slurs and general misery.

Maybe some other stuff but I've covered the worse here..


1.06 update notes

- Format changes

- pain.png

Future plans for WANCER

- game masters guide/setting PDF

- PDF full of stuff for in-game. such as adding weapon mods, adding new tech, etc



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